Bachelorette Buds

Hometowns and Heartbreak on the Jersey Shore

Episode Summary

How are Hometowns already happening?! Kate and Marcie recap the incredibly rushed hometowns between Zach, Tino, Tyler, Jason, Johnny and Erich. We break down Tyler's heartbreak on the Jersey Shore (is he aiming for Paradise?), Tino's skeptical parents, and Erich's heartbreaking family situation. Plus, we discuss what lies ahead for the Men Tell All and what the 'life-changing' news will be...

Episode Notes

How are Hometowns already happening?!

Kate and Marcie recap the incredibly rushed hometowns between Zach, Tino, Tyler, Jason, Johnny and Erich.

We break down Tyler's heartbreak on the Jersey Shore (is he aiming for Paradise?), Tino's skeptical parents, and Erich's heartbreaking family situation. 

Plus, we discuss what lies ahead for the Men Tell All and what the 'life-changing' news will be...